Radon Mitigation Brookfield WIRadon mitigation system installations in Brookfield are on the rise as more people start to realize the danger of high radon gas levels in their homes. In fact, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services tracked home radon testing from 1995 to 2016 and found that 65.1 percent of homes in Brookfield tested above the EPA recommended safe level for radon in the home, with the highest test result coming back at 56.8 pCi/l! We have served the Brookfield area for over 21 years and are eager to help you and your family alleviate the radon gas present in your home. If you have done a radon test and the level has come back higher than 4.0 pCi/L you should give us a call for a free estimate on a radon mitigation system or run the risk of developing lung cancer. We say, why risk it? Radon is the number one environmental threat to your health and the number one cause of lung cancer for non smokers. If you are concerned about the radon levels in your home, give us a call or click the link below and we can provide you with more information about radon mitigation and radon testing as well as a free quote for your home in Brookfield.
Radon Testing Brookfield WIRadon testing is the only way to know what the levels of radon are in your home. It’s a common misconception that if your neighbors home has tested one way, that your home will be similar. Radon levels can vary drastically from home to home even if they are right next door. Since radon is undetectable by any of our senses, it is important to properly test the level in your home. There are a variety of testing options that we offer depending on your needs. The most common testing option homeowners like to utilize is the DIY charcoal testing kit. The charcoal radon test kit takes around 3-7 days to complete and then is shipped to our lab to be analyzed, this process can get you results in about a week. For quicker results, we offer a short term digital test. This testing monitor is placed into the home by one of our certified radon technicians and can get you accurate results in 48 hours. We most commonly see this testing option used in real estate transactions. For homeowners who have tested close but not over the EPA action level we offer a long term radon testing monitor that can show you how much your radon levels fluctuate throughout a long period of time. Long term testing takes a minimum of 30 days to complete, and can help you determine whether or not mitigation is necessary for your home. To schedule a test give us a call or click the link below
Radon Mitigation Techniques
The most common radon mitigation technique used in Brookfield utilizes the drain tile system in the home. Drain tile depressurization is the most effective radon mitigation technique because of the amount of surface area under the home it can cover. Drain tile depressurization is done by coring a hole into the ground above the drain tile and then sealing the pipe down and sump crock to create negative suction. Since the drain tile usually goes around the whole basement, radon gas is easily drawn into it and safely vented above the roofline with the help of the radon fan. For homes that do not have drain tile we can use another active soil depressurization technique to draw the radon out of your home. To effectively draw out the radon in a home that does not have a drain tile system, we dig a suction pit underneath the home to create the negative pressure needed to mitigate the radon gas. This process is done by coring a 4 inch hole into the floor and then vacuuming out around 5 gallons worth of material from under the home. The piping and fan then look the same as any other system, but sometimes an upgraded fan is needed for homes that have more dense material under their home like clay.
Both of these techniques have two different options where the fan and piping would be placed:
Both of these techniques have two different options where the fan and piping would be placed:
Garage Style SystemsFor both techniques laid out in the last section, we can run the piping and fan through the garage if it’s the right fit for the home. The garage style system starts in the basement, the piping runs up the basement wall that abuts the garage wall and comes into the garage through the rim joist. The piping then runs up that garage wall and extends up and through the roofline. The fan is placed in the garage. This is the preferred style of system for many homeowners because aesthetically you only can see a small vent stack from the outside of the home. Another benefit of the garage system is the ability to use existing outlets to plug the fan into. Per code, the fan needs to be hardwired, or within 6 ft of an outlet. By running the system through the garage, we can usually avoid bringing in an electrician which homeowners can appreciate. Lastly, by putting the fan in the garage, the lifetime of the fan is usually increased because it is protected from Wisconsin's brutal winters. Many companies do not offer garage style systems, or charge extra to install them because it requires more work, but we want to provide the very best system for the homeowner and if we believe that this style of radon mitigation system is best for you, we will be more than happy to go through the garage for no extra charge.
Exterior Style SystemsIf a garage system is not possible we can easily install an exterior style radon mitigation system as well. Our certified technician can work with you on the placement on the outside of the home, and we do a great job hiding it aesthetically. For an exterior style radon mitigation system, the piping starts in the basement much like the garage system and runs up the basement wall. The piping then comes through the rim joist and to the exterior, the fan is placed outside and the piping per EPA standards must extend 6-12” above the roofline. If you are unsure what system would fit your home, and would like a free estimate, give us a call or click the link below.